Finishing up an evening ride, he turned and asked me, "Where would you like to go?" as he scanned the Vermont road map in his hands. "Have you ever been to the Weston Priory, downstate?" was my gentle prompt. "Nope,what's that?" says he. "It is the most special place I know...I spent 5 days with the Benedictine monks who live there back in August '07," was my happy reply. "What, did you wear a robe and all that?" he was puzzled. A female with a bunch of monks, how could this be so? "No, it's a priory. An open monastery where people can come and visit for a while. They eat really good(those boys can cook), raise their own food, pray five times a day...everyone is welcome. It's very Quaker like as the prayer service is in the old barn. It's the rule of Benedict...hospitality." He studied his map more closely; I wondered, 'did he see my longing to revisit that secret garden...?' He confirmed it, "we'll take rte 100 down to it; it will be an adventure." He picked me up Monday at 9am(his day off of work) and we set out on our 280 mile tour, we dodged a Memorial Day parade and headed for the old stagecoach route that traveled the north-south way in VT. Wind in our face, we cruized through a dozen small towns, tiny towns, following the ribbon of canyon and valley bottoms surrounded in vivid spring greens. In places the road was carved into ancient granite tracing sparkling streams and unfolding ferns. We spotted a few waterfalls, some soothing wetlands and always great scapes of rocky hill tops. Few if any cars, random groups of motorcycles, but mostly all ours. Just cool enough to discourage the bugs until afternoon. We found a fabulous eatery in a tiny town near Okemo I think. The Back Behind Restaurant and Saloon ~ Bikers Welcome the hand painted sign said, "must be good" he affirmed. He treated me to the best Bar-B-Q I've ever had in VT, done up southern style and complemented with roasted corn...more than I can eat as is often the case. But always, there is room for something chocolate. My standard query for the waitstaff: "whatta you got that's chocolate?" They offered a decadent fudge brownie Sunday with chocolate ice cream (his excellent idea) and the works on top. This is heaven...good road, great ride, luscious eats, exceptional company...well fed we mounted up and headed for the priory. Rumbling over a few more miles, trolling for the hand blocked sign: Weston Priory...finding it we entered the private road rolling up, as quiet as one can make a HD purr, and embraced the bliss. Stepping off his Custom Classic, I felt like a prodigal child returning home "...come on, I'll give you the nickel tour" It was really the penny tour as we skipped the chapel and barn church crossing the court yard to the gallery where I divined another amulet from the collection of simple hand-formed ceramic medallions. Blue this time; the color of eternity. I love the weight of it next to my heart. He spotted some music he liked and we settled up. Taking my hand into his, we strolled to the pond and settled into some chairs by the waterside. With bull frogs rippling their throaty tones across the pond, I dispensed a little history, a little reverence, a passing chat with Brother Daniel (the bee keeper I knew from last visit)...peace was all around us. We talked some, smiled lots, mellowed to the scenery...a restive, soulful place. I probably talked too much of this secrete garden; "...people come here to heal; they ask the brothers who gently refuse but all the healing comes from within..." I think my friend enjoyed this visit; he looked relaxed and happy...it takes terrific focus to ride motorcycles on roads with cars, critters, boulders and even bugs...the concentration is intense; in the spell bound quiet, I watched him soften, if only a bit. It is an enchanted place, it made for a lovely adventure, we will find it again...but for now we had to saddle up and head north and ease into home... for those who'd like to know, I have listed the link for the priory, and the Rule of Benedict chapter 53... http://www.westonpriory.org/
the rule of Benedict:
"Let all who come be received as Christ himself,
for he will say: 'I was a stranger and you welcomed me.'"
It was a grand day out and it's only May...gentle thoughts go out to you.
luv and peace ~ ell
this one is for "my big man" who brought me back to this secret garden~ xox