In my dreams he speaks easily, has wavy blond hair and and rides a chopper-like stiletto bicycle trike with an electric motor. He smiles always, and chats with kids and neighbors he meets on the sidewalks. When I dream of him, all his best qualities are vibrant in his young man's competent body. He is gentle and loving and a popular member of our small town community. I wake renewed and inspired in my commitment for his quality of life.
As I go to him to admire his sleeping features; I wonder if God sends me these dreams to affirm my belief in my blue-eyed wonder boy. I take in the faith, that my son's best interests will be ensured and his strengths and talents will be nurtured. He will become a happy, contented person. In my dreams, his challenges and barriers become great tools of teaching for all who know him.
In my dreams, he succeeds in teaching all of us, what truly matters in our lives. He teaches us that quality of our experiences is a greater measure of life's value than the quantity of material gains. Like a prophet of love, giving and being, he radiates goodness of a life lived well.
I wish that every person who knows him, could dream my dreams of him. His limits would become differences and not obstructions to knowing him, to guiding him to his person-hood. In my dreams, he is my hero. In my life, he is my greatest teacher. And I thank our Lord for bringing him to me and purposing my life in the quest for his wholeness and I thank my son for teaching me how to be a better human. I love you Graham, always and forever.
love and peace ~ ell
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