Have you ever heard the saying: "the faster I go the behind-er I get", "the harder I push, the farther I fall"? So why do I get so swept up in this futility that our culture demands... literally dragged along? Consumed by the gravity defect? Just recently, I was driving home from NH and even though I was speeding along, "n + 10" as they say, cars were zipping past me. While I was anxious to be home, back at the farm, where time is more relaxed and life is much more mellow, I found myself stressed by the crush for time. It wasn't until we hit the VT state line that I felt some relief from the frantic pace of traffic in NH. Why is everyone so pressed for time? If one doesn't like their lifestyle, stop doing it. I can't buy into it. I don't want more stuff, or bigger stuff, or more costly stuff. I want less. I want more experiences, more friends, more adventures (the gentle, pensive type). I am exhausted watching other people sprint towards material debt, drones in mindless jobs, slaves to monster homes, ailing in disenchanted lives. What happened to the enchantment of everyday life? Enchantment is what I seek, where ever I find it. So then, to my family, I am "odd", quirky, lazy... I don't have an impressive title at a corporate monstrosity so I am failed. Less worthy because I choose family, farm, friends, faith as the center of my universe. I have enough stuff, all that I need, most of what I want. I have enough and more. The "more is better American guidepost" doesn't suit me. It's my vision, my legacy, for this farmstead and my life to live richly, share the enchantment of everyday life, be sustainable and welcome others to this bounty. This past year, my differently-abled brain has taught me that it's ok to let somethings be undone for awhile, its allowable to suspend the measure of time, it's a good thing to be still. I've happily found that things still got done, even if I could not do it myself. Good things still happened. Maybe just maybe, "everything happens for a reason"; when I ease up, let go a little, wonderful things happen...must be, I needed that.
luv and peace ~ el
gentle thoughts go out to you....love is on the way....
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